Time for another installment of our "IkeAni Report" series, where we give you sneak peeks before the March 16 2023 (Thursday) animate Ikebukuro Flagship Store grand opening. Our sixth report covers Floors 5 and 6!
Floor 5 is dedicated to character merch, just like Floor 4, which we covered in a previous blog. Are you wondering what the difference is? Let's find out!
Also, Floor 6 is dedicated to CDs, DVDs/Blu-rays and games. There are some huge changes, so make sure to keep reading!
Trending & hot items on Floor 5!
Just like Floor 4, Floor 5 is also dedicated to character merch. However, the big difference is that Floor 5 features a dedicated corner for merch from popular shonen manga!
Looking for merch from series with trending anime? We recommend checking Floor 5 first.
The floor is bright, spacious, and packed with merch. The shelving is also brand-new. You'll be able to enjoy taking your time here!
Catch trailers on the jumbo screen!
What is the biggest attraction of the CD, DVD/Blu-ray and game floor? We would say the jumbo screen!
It will play trailers for the latest anime, so make sure to check it out. It'll be so exciting to see your favorite characters and titles in jumbo size...!
Plus, on this floor you can also find merch for game streamers and other online content creators, as well as useful items like live concert staple penlights! We recommend giving every section a thorough investigation.
The brand-new shelves make everything much easier to see. You're sure to find exactly what you are looking for!
We'll be covering the animate Ikebukuro Flagship store to the end!
The grand opening is less than a week away...! Are you all excited?
We hope you come to visit the upgraded animate Ikebukuro Flagship Store.
Our report series is almost finished, too. We hope you keep reading til the end!
Please look forward for our next report!