Shinkai Makoto, also famous for animated films "Your Name." and "Weathering With You," released his first new work in three years on November 11 2022 (Friday) to great acclaim: the feature-length film "Suzume."
Now, 87 days later, it has it has sold 10 million tickets, and earned 13.4 billion yen! This marks his third film in a row (the others are "Your Name." and "Weathering With You") to sell over 10 million tickets.
"Suzume" 87 Days Box Office Record
Tickets Sold: 10,094,661
Revenue: 13,415,355,820 Yen
On February 28 (Saturday), cinemas began distributing a high-demand 4th present for filmgoers: "Spin-off Novel: Suzume ~Serizawa no Monogatari" (limited to 500,000 winners Japan-wide), especially written by Makoto Shinkai. It was also recently announced that this film was nominated for the Berlin International Film Festival competition: the first time a Japanese animated film has entered since director Hayao Miyazaki's "Spirited Away" 21 years ago. With the film now scheduled for released in 199 countries and regions worldwide, it is gaining attention outside of Japan too: the worldwide journey of "Suzume" is not over yet.
"Suzume" Info
Showing in Japanese cinemas now!
Suzume, a 17-year-old girl who lives in a quiet town in Kyushu, meets Sota, a young man on a journey who says he is "looking for a door." Following him, she finds herself lost in the mountains, until she comes across some ruins - and a weathered door, standing alone.
Drawn to it, Suzume reaches for the door...
It seems that forces from behind doors such as these trigger disasters, and it's Sota's job as "Closing Master" to travelling about closing and locking them.
Suddenly, a mysterious cat named Daijin appears before the two. He tells Suzume he likes her - but says Sota is in his way. The next moment, Sota has been turned into a chair...! And not any chair, but one with a broken leg that Suzume used when she was little. Sota in chair form and Suzume rush after the escaping Daijin.
However, one by one, doors begin opening all over Japan. Guided by the strange doors and the little cat, Suzume journey to lock the doors takes her through Kyushu, Shikoku, Kansai and Tokyo.
Helped by people she meets along the way, Suzume makes it to her final destination. There awaits a truth she has forgotten all this time.
Staff & Cast
Written & Directed by Makoto Shinkai
Nanoka Hara, Hokuto Matsumura
Eri Fukatsu, Shota Sometani, Sairi Ito, Kotone Hanase, Kana Hanazawa, Ryunosuke Kamiki
Matsumoto Hakuo II
Character Design: Masayoshi Tanaka
Animation Direction: Kenichi Tsuchiya
Art Direction: Takumi Tanji
Music: RADWIMPS, Kazuma Jinnouchi
Theme Song: "Suzume feat.Toaka" RADWIMPS
Produced by CoMix Wave Films
Production: STORY inc.
Official Site:
Official Twitter: @suzume_tojimari