"Idol" by YOASOBI, the opening theme for TV anime "Oshi no Ko," which released digitally April 12, has reached #1 on the Apple Music "Top 100: Global" chart!
For the past 9 weeks since the song released, it has stayed at #1 on Billboard JAPAN's combined sales song chart "JAPAN Hot 100."
It broke the record for the fastest song to pass 100 million streams in Japan, at five weeks, as well as the fastest song to pass 200 million streams, at nine weeks. It also broke the record for the fastest song to pass 100 million plays on YouTube, at 36 days.
It also swept most major charts in Japan - Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon Music, Deezer, KK BOX, AWA, LINE MUSIC and more - for a staggering 85+ ranks total.
However, its popularity isn't limited to Japan - it is the first Japanese language song to reach #1 on Billboard The Global Excl. U.S. top 10, reached #18 on Spotify's "Viral Top 50 Global“ and "Viral Top 50" in 55 countries - recording an astounding momentum worldwide.
What's more, a CD release has been announced: a single containing 4 tracks including the English language version of "Idol" will release this July.
"Idol" by YOASOBI Music Info
Complete Production Run Limited Edition
Release Date: July 2023 (TBA)
Price: 2,000 yen
Specifications: CD+7inch Record Size Paper Jacket+Poster Shaped Booklet (Feat. "Idol" Original short story "45510" Especially Written by Aka Akasaka)
1. Idol
2. Idol ※English Version
3. Idol - Anime Edit -
4. Idol - Instrumental -
animate Bonus Info
animate Bonus: Original Sticker
※Please note that offer ends as soon as bonus stock runs out.
YOASOBI "Idol" Official Music Video
English Version Info
Lyrics/Arrangement/Composition: Ayase: Vocals: ikura
English Lyrics: Konnie Aok
YOASOBI Idol English Ver. Official Music Video