(Drama CD) Ask And You Will Receive (Sonna ni Iu Nara Daiteyaru) Drama CD


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Release Date: 04/30/2021
◆BL/Yaoi Genre

Catalog Number: GNG-2140

A dull, flat employee by day, but a "man-talent" who can crush a man's back with a glance at him at night.
Shinobu Urakawa, a man who loves one-night stands, uses two different faces.
However, when Hikaru Omoteya, the "prince" of the sales department, comes to a gay bar he is familiar with, Shinobu Urakawa is attracted to him.
For some reason, Hikaru Omoteya, the "prince" of the sales department, starts going to his favorite gay bar, even though he is straight.
Hikaru seems to be targeting him without realizing that he is the same person as his dull daytime appearance.
If that is the case, then...

"Want to have fun with me at least once? Don't worry. I'm a good fucker."

Unaware of his true identity, Hikaru becomes attracted to Shinobu. ......

Shinobu Urakawa (CV. Takuya Sato)
General Affairs Department.He is a dull, ordinary employee by day and a manly man by night, and he uses this duality to his advantage.

Hikaru Omoteya (CV. Takuma Terashima)
The ace of the sales department. He is the most handsome and narcissistic man in the company. His nickname is "Prince.

Takuya Sato
Takuma Terashima

(c) Niyama / Shucream Inc.

*This is a machine translation. It may not provide an accura

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