(DVD) Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun DVD BOX Part 1


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Release Date: 10/26/2022
Catalog Number: ZMSZ-15981

Bonus: Packaged Bonus: All Production Runs Bonus
◆Bonus Mini Anime "Papa to Issho"
◆Cast Audio Commentary
Ep. 1: Yuka Terasaki (Vueko), Hiroaki Hirata (Wazukyan), Mitsuki Saiga (Belaf),Misaki Kuno (Irumyuui)
◆Staff Audio Commentary
Ep. 3: Masayuki Kojima (Director), Akihito Tsukushi (Creator), Hideyuki Kurata (Scenario), Shinpei Yamashita (Producer)

After surviving the brutal challenges of Idofront, Riko now possesses a White Whistle, allowing her to descend into the Abyss's sixth layer?The Capital of the Unreturned. Alongside Reg and Nanachi, Riko begins to explore the uncharted domain, where the ruins of the promised Golden City are located.

As the trio starts to adapt to the harsh environment, they soon encounter dangerous creatures and treacherous landscapes. Their expedition leads them to a village inhabited by strange beings known as "hollows." Despite the creeping sense of unease that welcomes them, the three venture onward to uncover the mysteries of the settlement and long-lost legacies of the forgotten adventurers who once descended into the horrors of the unexplored Abyss.

◆Main Feature (Ep. 1-Ep. 6)

Riko: Miyu Tomita
Reg: Mariya Ise
Nanachi: Shiori Izawa
Meinya: Natsuko Hara
Faputa: Misaki Kuno
Vueko: Yuka Terasaki
Wazukyan: Hiroaki Hirata
Belaf: Mitsuki Saiga
Majikaja: Hiroki Goto
Maaa-San: Kana Ichinose
Moogie: Kimiko Saito
Gaburoon: Ryota Takeuchi
Prushka: Inori Minase
Bondrewd: Toshiyuki Morikawa

(c)つくしあきひと・Takeshobo/メイドインアビス「烈日の黄金郷 製作委員会

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